1) What is meant by Abnormal Pressure (over pressure) with regard to fluid pressure in the formation?
a. The excess pressure due to circulating mud at high rates.
b. The excess pressure that needs to be applied to cause ‘leak-off’ into a normally pressured formation.
c. High density mud used to create a large overbalance.
d. Formation fluid pressure that exceeds normal water hydrostatic pressure.
2) Abnormal formation pressures can be caused by:
a. Thick sandstone sections.
b. Insufficient mud weight.
c. Formation fluids supporting part of overburden weight.
d. All of the above.
3) Which two of the following indications suggest that mud hydrostatic pressure and formation pressures are almost equal?
a. Increase in flow out of wellbore.
b. Drilled gas: Background gas, connection gas and trip gas.
c. Temperature anomalies.
d. Pit gain.
e. All of the above
4) Throughout the world what is the most common cause of abnormal formation pressures?
a. Thick sandstone sections.
b. Undercompacted shales.
c. Faults.
d. Uplifting / erosion
5) The flow sensor shows a total loss of returns. You pick up and flow check. The mud level in the hole is out of sight. What action would you take:
a. Pump at a reduced rate while mixing lost circulation materiel.
b. Continue drilling blind.
c. Close the well in and check pressures.
d. Fill the annulus with fluid (either mud or water) noting how many barrels are required to fill the hole.
6) Which of the following statements best describes formation porosity.
a. The ratio of the open spaces to the total volume of rock.
b. The ability of fluid and gas to move within the rock.
c. The presence of sufficient salt water volume to provide gas lift.
d. All of the above
7) Which of the following statements best describes formation permeability.
a. The ratio of the open spaces to the total volume of rock.
b. The ability of fluid and gas to move within the rock.
c. The presence of sufficient salt water volume to provide gas lift.
d. All of the above
8) Which of the following would be affected by the permeability of the formation from which a kick has occurred? (Pick two answers)
a. The time taken for the shut-in pressure to stabilize.
b. The calculated kill mud density.
c. The Initial Circulating Pressure.
d. The size of the influx in the wellbore.
e. The shut-in drill pipe pressure.
9) What is the reason for circulating a kick out from the wellbore at a slow rate?
a. Obtain a smaller expansion of gas influx and thereby reduce casing pressure during the kill process.
b. Create a sufficient pressure loss in the circulation system to give greater overbalance for a safer kill operation.
c. Minimize excess pressure exerted on formations during the kill process.
10) Many factors should be considered when selecting a kill pump rate. However the objective should be to regain control of the well: choose the one answer that best meets this objective.
a. By using the slowest pumping rate.
b. Before the end of the tour
c. As safe as possible considering all aspects of the kill.
d. As fast as possible by using the maximum rate.
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